Jack Lalanne – Who is Amercia

Jack Lalanne, “the Godfather of Fitness,” whose syndicated fitness show was on the air 34 years from 1951 to 1985, discusses the growing problem we face as a nation, our growing level of inactivity. Jack offers a solution: lead by example, share you story about your fitness and get together collectively and help each other … Read more

P90X Breakfast

I used to struggle with making breakfast in the morning. I didn’t always like breakfast food and if I did I didn’t have time. If I did eat breakfast it was a Dunkin Donuts Egg White flat bread or I’d cook egg whites at home. But after a while that can become boring and stale. … Read more

Joe Petri Fitness & Coaching, Rochester, NY

My Brand Promise: Joe Petri Fitness & Coaching is for men & women who have struggled with depression or low self esteem because they are stuck in a job that gives them no satisfaction. That feel as though the career they chosen is no longer the career they were meant to pursue but feel like … Read more

P90X Rochester Fit Club Does Zumba

The Rochester Fit Club is a group of Independent Team Beachbody Coaches and Customers that get together once a week to workout to a different Beachbody In-Home workout DVD. We have been meeting fairly regularly all year long but decided to break during the month of August. We recently restarted and to draw in some … Read more

P90X Nutrition – Soy Sausage Muffin

One of the most challenging parts about P90X or any Beachbody Workout Program is the nutrition guide but the P90X guide seems to have more people confused with the portions and ratios compared to others.  I’ll write a blog later about the importance to the plan and the ratio and how to be sure to … Read more