Jack Lalanne, “the Godfather of Fitness,” whose syndicated fitness show was on the air 34 years from 1951 to 1985, discusses the growing problem we face as a nation, our growing level of inactivity.
Jack offers a solution: lead by example, share you story about your fitness and get together collectively and help each other get in shape and make America well.
Little did Jack know that CEO Carl Daikeler, and President of Beachbody, Jon Congdon would put this idea into effect many years later. Their creation…Team Beachbody and the Coaching Network.
Team Beachbody offers a real solution to the obesity problem facing this great nation of ours. Collectively we can reverse the trends. Create a healthy body, healthy mind, healthy America. Together…we’re better.
Get involved. Become a Team Beachbody Coach today.
When you sign up and there is the coach referral section, enter my screen name: JoePetri if it does not say “Joseph Petri will be your Coach”. Questions feel free to contact me.
Thanks for making this nation great!
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