Whether it is P90X, Power 90 or any other of the many different Beachbody workout programs, diet and good nutrition is one of the most challenging parts of making a positive change. It’s not easy but with some basic, consistent simple changes, over time you can start to create good habits and the nutrition becomes easier. I plan on writing more about this down the road. Mainly topics like “Where and how to get started”, “Reading and understanding the different plans”, etc. If there is a topic you want me to discuss, just leave your comment below and I’ll add it to my list.
Today I want to focus on a very simple change you can make to your diet starting tomorrow morning and you’ll be surprised but the majority of people skip this step. That’s breakfast. If you’ve been eating bad or you don’t have time for breakfast I’m going to provide a couple simple recipes that you can do tomorrow, to help build your healthy eating habits.
Growing up I was never a big breakfast eater but my mom new the importance for starting my day with food. I hated cold cereal and I didn’t want to cook and neither did my mom, she had to get to work, and get us out the door. Because I refused cold cereal, she would make me a ham sandwich. HA!!! Now I don’t recommend eating a ham sandwich, with mayo, on white bread for breakfast or during P90x for that matter. What I do recommend is keeping it simple, easy and tasty. Below are three videos that I made of some really easy and tasty recipes directly from the P90X Nutrition guide. I hope this will give you a basic, simple starting point as your transition from not-so-good habits, to better dietary habits and choices over time.