Tony Horton should Host Sesame Street (P90X)

So I’m an avid P90Xer and Power 90 graduate. I do not have kids of my own. Recently, I have been spending a lot of time with my 16 month old niece. I’m her “Manny” for the time being. Long story short, I work from home full time and my sister needed someone to step … Read more

Les Mills Pump – get strong and build muscle

LES MILLS PUMP Beachbody has partnered with Les Mills to bring this exciting new home workout DVD program called Les Mills PUMP. Les Mills Pump got it’s start in classes in clubs all over the U.S. While they are still growing their club business, we know there is a huge demand for in-home workouts that … Read more

Life without Struggle is Fantasy

Strangest Before and After Picture EVER!!!! The pic on the left was taken  (4/27/09, 185 lbs) just one week prior to my Pec Major Tendon rupture from my left arm while performing a 1-rep max in the bench press.  The picture to the right, currently, is me (11/01/11, 206 lbs). It’s been 2.5 years since … Read more

Rochester National Museum of Play

Yesterday was my middle sister’s birthday and together, we took her daughter to the Rochester Museum of Play to experience all the cool toys, books and play things they had to offer.  The Museum as a lot to offer in terms for activities and education for kids of all ages.  I am a HUGE kid … Read more