Throw Gasoline on a Fire

Have you ever thrown gasoline on a fire to get it started? What happens? You get a nice fast “explosion” but it fails to catch the wood on fire. Take the time to learn to build a fire that lasts. It may take a little longer but in the end it will keep you warmer … Read more

Personal Growth

I posted this today on the Team 300’s Fitness page on Facebook and wanted to share on my site also.  I asked this straw poll to the members of my team: “How many of you own Jim Rohn‘s “Art of Exceptional Living” audio cd’s? How many of you honestly can say that you work harder … Read more

The Victor

The Victor was a poem that I read before every football game my senior year for motivation and inspiration. This poem still has a special place in my heart and I think of it when I’m looking to get inspired or motivated to increase my intensity during my workouts. I wanted to share it with … Read more