Government and Obesity

I don’t want to spark any political debates but it is a SAD day when government needs to get involved and tell us what to eat and how to exercise. Personally I blame the government, both state and federal, for this rise in obesity. The FDA isn’t very strict about nutritional labeling (Read Steve Edwards Blog about labeling, he’s BB/MDBs Nutrional Guru), and Physical education and health programs have been cut back (see Mississippi) due to poor funding and in turn have cut deals with companies like Coke and Pepsi to help pay for the new turf fields, all schools have to do is sell said products over the course of XY years. Many area high schools have turf fields because of these agreements.

It’s just sad that government has to put a ban on certain foods. I don’t believe they should be made available by sale of the school but to ban foods, I have a problem with that. In my high school, we had soda machines and a snack bar but both were only open during the last period and a half (pretty much the last hour of school). My sister is a phys ed teacher and she tells me that soda and snacks are made available all day long.

One thing I believe the Government should mandate is if a customer at a restaurant requests nutritional information about an item that restaurant, whether it’s a chain (which most have info online) or a mom and pop diner, should be able to provide that information to the costumer.

We all make choices and it’s unfortunate the Government has to get involved to help regulate our choices. We’re not smart enough to realize if we eat a double whopper three days a week, we will probably die of a heart attack. Will we see a Surgeon Generals Warning on Fries one day like there are on cigarettes?

That’s my rant,


P.S. I’m an independent Liberal.

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