quote:if one more person tells me that 189 isnt bad because i’m tall and “carry it well” i’m going to scream! thanks for letting me vent
KimberlyNoah – Welcome to the thread. Glad you found us. Ok so here is what you say: Start by agreeing with them, “You’re right. 189 isn’t bad. But for me I know I can be healthier and happier if I lost a few lbs.”
Whether people do it on purpose or aren’t aware of it is they are trying to sabotage you. You are taking control and pushing play and you want positive change. People see you and then they see themselves and think, “if she’s 189 and looks good and wants to lose weight, should I lose weight?” It’s easier for people to try and keep you were you are so they don’t have to change.
Recently the New England Journal of Medicine printed an article that simply says Obesity loves company. The people telling you this are really just telling themselves that what they look like and weigh is ok. And that’s fine…for them. Don’t let there negativity bring you to start to think that maybe 189 is ok. Once you get to were you want to be you won’t even mention how much you weigh or you used to weigh. First thing out of your mouth will be I feel great, better than I have in years. So when people tell you you look fine or you “carry it well” they are talking really about themselves and not you.
I got to 185 and I had everyone tell me I’m too skinny too skinny. Well, I listened to them I quit working out and over summer last year I went from 185 to 195 (plus 5 lbs when I quit smoking). Why? Because I let there perception of themselves keep me from doing what I enjoyed. Here’s the punch line. My mom, the main culprit in the “you look too skinny” scandal, say a pic of me at my peak 185, ripped and jacked and said “You look good in this picture, you should try and get back to that.” I lost it!
But here we are together. Pushing play and motivating everyone to reach thier fitness goals. Now for full disclosure, if you’re 5’11” and weigh 101 lbs and you think you need to lose weight, it might be time to listen to those people.
Gotta go do Cardio Party.
P.S. QueenofStarWars – Welcome as well. Maybe Princess Leia from ROTJ for Halloween? Just a thought.