Not your typical Network Marketing

As most of you know, I’m an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I’ve always been an advocate for fitness first and helping people stay motivated to their fitness and nutrition goals. If someone was interested in being a coach for Beachbody I would share my experience and what it was all about. I coach all my coaches the same way. I coach my coaches to be an example, to be a product of the product and to get people involved with the community at some level, whether it’s a free player, a club member or a coach. The important thing is helping them to create a better life for themselves. The dollars and cents that Beachbody is offering coaches is truly amazing but the true joy is helping people succeed with their program and sharing your own story on how and why you got involved. Was it an infomercial, a friend, or a coach? Everyone has a story to share and every story is different.

I have 5.5 years of outside B2B sales experience and what I love the most about being a Team Beachbody Coach is that I don’t “sell” anyone anything. I share my story; I explain what impact these products had on me and how the community helped me to stay committed and accountable. I provide all the different options and then I let the individual choose what is right for them. I never close, I hate it. I was a good closer in my Drug Rep days but I don’t want someone to ever feel pressured to buy or to join something they aren’t ready for. Everyone comes around at their own pace and how someone decides to make that commitment to lose weight, get healthy or become a coach is simply by me being an example. Just keep pushing play, keep making healthy decisions and keep posting and sharing your stories.

Coaching is about people helping people and in return for doing this Beachbody helps you financially. Just push play and encourage others to do the same but how you do that is by focusing on yourself. Continue to workout and eat right and sooner or later others will come around asking you to help them. Keep pushing play, and keep sharing your stories. You’ll be amazed as to how many people you can impact.

Take a look at the Beachbody Network News cast to view the CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler’s view on coaching. When coaching was first introduced back in March of 2007, it was Carl’s vision of fitness first that got me involved. Not the money, not the dollar and cents. I hate mulit-level marketing (network marketing) but it works here because you are creating a support network that you have to be accountable to and help. And that’s what drives me. Helping others. What drives you can be completly different and that’s the great thing about Beachbody, it can be modified to work for anyone. I was so pleased to see this webcast because it makes me happy to see that Beachbody hasn’t lost it’s way and I know they never will thanks to Carl.

If you’re interested in helping people to lose weight, get healthy and stay committed email me about becoming a coach or simply go to and click on the “Become a Coach” link.