Before and After Weight Loss

This is a letter I wrote back in November 2004 to myself that started my journey with Power 90 and Beachbody. I was extremely depressed and a bit intoxicated when I wrote this. It was about 1:30am Saturday Morning and I just left my friends at the bar. I owned Power 90 for about a year and a half prior to this but never really committed as you’ll read. This was me hitting rock bottom but more importantly it was the moment I made the decision to change my life and control what I can control.

Joy of Discipline

Guys – One more thing before I head to bed. When it comes to accountability there is no one checking up on you. It’s simply the joy of discipline or the pain of regret. This site is to help motivate you. If you don’t feel like doing your scheduled workout, come back to the thread. … Read more