Personal Growth

I posted this today on the Team 300’s Fitness page on Facebook and wanted to share on my site also.  I asked this straw poll to the members of my team: “How many of you own Jim Rohn‘s “Art of Exceptional Living” audio cd’s? How many of you honestly can say that you work harder … Read more

The Victor

The Victor was a poem that I read before every football game my senior year for motivation and inspiration. This poem still has a special place in my heart and I think of it when I’m looking to get inspired or motivated to increase my intensity during my workouts. I wanted to share it with … Read more

Not your typical Network Marketing

Coaching is about people helping people and in return for doing this Beachbody helps you financially. Just push play and encourage others to do the same but how you do that is by focusing on yourself. Continue to workout and eat right and sooner or later others will come around asking you to help them. Keep pushing play, and keep sharing your stories. You’ll be amazed as to how many people you can impact.